Speech, Language, & Literacy
Alma Language & Literacy provides speech, language, and literacy services to Spanish/English speaking children and their families. Our therapy sessions are engaging, motivating, and full of opportunities for communication! After each session, we will provide home activities for your child to practice their new skills.
Ready to get started? Click here to learn about our process.
Our Areas of Specialty
Speech and Literacy Support for Spanish-English speaking children
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) in bilingual Spanish/English speaking children
Bilingual Spanish/English Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems
Structured Literacy Intervention for Dyslexia in Spanish/English-Speaking Children

Dyslexia & Literacy
We support reading and writing skills in elementary-age students with dyslexia who speak both Spanish and English. Using principles from the Orton-Gillingham approach as well as bilingual/bicultural educational programs such as Esperanza and WELLS, we will help your child:
Understand that letters represent sounds
Gain phonological awareness skills
Learn phonics
Develop early writing skills
Comprehend what they read
Identify and learn sounds, word parts, and vocabulary words that transfer across Spanish and English
Succeed in academic tasks at school
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Childhood Apraxia of Speech is a motor speech disorder that affects a child's ability to make accurate movements when speaking. We work with families to select highly meaningful words to practice in sessions and target words in both Spanish and English when applicable. Our fun and fast-paced speech therapy sessions will help your child:
Say the words that are important to them in both of their languages
Coordinate complex oral movements when speaking
Build a strong foundation for reading and writing through relevant literacy instruction
Use bilingual AAC systems to reduce frustration and communication breakdowns as they grow their oral speech skills

Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)
We honor all forms of language and recognize there are many ways to communicate. We take time to explore which AAC system, app, or device might be best for your child and show them how to use their AAC to communicate during their favorite activities. AAC therapy will help your child:
Communicate with a robust vocabulary of English and Spanish words
Express their needs, wants, thoughts, feelings, and protests clearly
Connect and interact with other children, adults, and family members
Participate in literacy activities (e.g., reading, spelling, writing)
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to participate in coaching sessions to learn how AAC systems can be used in their everyday lives.
After a certain amount of time of 1:1 sessions, clients may choose to participate in social recreation groups to apply their language and literacy skills in community settings and with peers.
Interested in scheduling an appointment? Here's our process.
Attend the Evaluation
Attend your evaluation session. We will gather information about your child's strengths and challenges, and we will work together to form a treatment plan that supports their needs.
Therapy Begins
We will begin meeting weekly for individual speech, language, and literacy therapy sessions that honor your family's language and culture.